Sopa de Quinua
Quinua is becoming more popular throughout the world because it is loaded with healthy nutrients for you and yours. This is the Peruvian style of qunoa soup.
- Servings- 4-6
- Preparation time: 1 hour
- 7 ounces of quinoa
- 6 cups of water
- 1 teaspoon of cumin
- 1 tablespoon of ground garlic
- 1 bell pepper
- 3 eggs
- 1 onion (prepare onion by chopping it)
- Salt and Pepper
- 2 medium potatoes. (Prepare the potatoes by cutting them into pieces)
Preparation Instruction:
- Using the onion, garlic, pepper and cumin prepare a seasoning by frying all of the contents in a pan with hot oil.
- Once the seasoning is prepared you will then add the 6 cups of water, the washed quinoa along with the potatoes. Season everything with salt and mix well.
- Prior to serving the soup add the 3 beaten eggs as well as the bell pepper you chopped earlier.