Ceviche Caliente de Pejerrey

If you ask anyone what food Peru is best known for you are likely going to hear the answer ceviche. As ceviche has become more popular it is common to see variotions of the famous dish. Ceviche Calliente de Pejerrey is another fine way to cook ceviche.


  • Servings- 4
  • Preparation Time- 40 minutes


  • 24 silversides. (Prepare the silversides by cleaning)
  • 1 lb of bacon. (Prepare the bacon by cutting it into strips)
  • 8 limes
  • 1 red rocoto pepper
  • 1/3 cup of onion (the onion needs to be prepared by cutting/chopping)
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 3 ½ ounces of grated Parmesan cheese.
  • 10 parsley sprigs
  • Toothpicks

Preparation Instructions:

  • Cut each silverside so that each one is now two different strips. Then wrap a piece of the bacon around one strip of the silverside and put a toothpick through it to hold the two together. Repeat this process with all of the silversides.
  • Place all of the bacon wrapped silversides into a bowl and squeeze the limes over them. Marinate the silversides in the lime juice for ten minutes.
  • In a blender blend the red rocoto pepper along with the chopped onion, garlic and lime juice from the marinade. Once everything is evenly blended pour all of the contents over the bacon wrapped silversides.
  • Preheat your oven to 180 degrees and cook for 15 minutes.
  • Garnish the finished product with both parmesan cheese and parsley.